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Pan Roasted Swordfish with Couscous an Asparagus

Updated: Jul 16, 2020

This dish may sound intimidating, but I promise you it is quite straight forward. To start, I pre-heated my oven to 400° F and made a quick compound butter. All that a compound butter is, is a butter mixed with herbs and other ingredients. I used 3 tbsp of unsalted butter because I want to be able to control the amount of salt in the dish. I added various herbs including basil, oregano, parsley, minced garlic, red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lemon juice. If I had a lemon I would have included some lemon zest as well. I lightly salted and peppered my filet then added some lemon juice. Once the oven is ready, have a stove-safe pan heated on the burner and add some olive oil. Place your filet in the pan and cook on one side for 2 minutes. I started my asparagus that was lightly seasoned with olive oil and salt and pepper on the stove top. The couscous was boxed that said it cooks in 5 minutes so I waited to to start that until later. After cooking on one side, flip your filet and place in the oven. Cook for 10-12 minutes in the oven. I started the couscous with 5 minutes left. Once the filet was done I set it aside and stopped the butter I made into the pan. Be careful, the pan is very hot. Let the butter melt and brown. The heat from the oven in the pan might be enough, but if it is not, keep the stove at medium heat. I scooped my couscous to the plate, then my filet and covered it with the butter sauce. Finally I placed my asparagus down. This is a quick and easy meal that is packed with flavor and may be something that you thought you couldn’t make. I really hope you give this one a try. To find the fish, just go to your local grocery store, and be sure to look for sustainable sourced products.

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