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Meatball Sandwiches

Ingredients: Pesto, 85% lean ground beef, buns, tomato sauce, basil, mozzarella cheese

Another Jamie Oliver 5 Ingredient dinner that will blow you and your friends away is his pesto meatball sandwiches. Note that the ingredients I used are not exactly the same as Jamie’s, but I have to improvise from time to time. These meatballs are a must make, and are so quick and easy. I scooped a heaped tablespoon of pesto for one pound of 85% lean ground beef. I then mixed up the beef and pesto, and added some salt and pepper; I was able to form 15 meatballs. My pan had been heating for a while and was now ready for the meatballs, so I set them in one by one and moved then a bit so they didn’t stick. You can toss them around in the pan softly because the pesto binds the meat the same way an egg does. Jamie uses tinned plum tomatoes and makes a quick sauce; however, I used a jar of sauce I had left in the refrigerator. I did add some chopped basil and a smashed garlic clove to give a livelier flavor to the sauce. Once the meatballs are “gnarly” as Jamie Oliver says, add your sauce and get up some of the bits from the bottom of the pan. I added some slices of mozzarella cheese to top the meatballs and covered the pan. When the cheese is melted down around the balls they are ready to go. Toast some buns just before your cheese has melted and smear a bit of pesto on one side for another layer of delicious, herbaceous flavor. Once my meatballs were on my bun, I spooned a bit a sauce on them to cover them. Cover your plate in sauce, and dunk in your sandwich. There is no other way to do it. This delicious sandwich will blow you away with, and will have you making it once a week at least. Check out Jamie Oliver’s recipe with the link below. Give this meatball sandwich a try and let me know how it goes!

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