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Jamie Oliver's Seared Sesame Tuna Steak

I feel like a lot of people get scared away from cooking fish either because they think it is hard to cook, or they just don’t know how to cook it. The truth is that fish can be cooked in so many ways that you are bound to be confident in one of them. This dish is inspired by Jamie Oliver’s seared tuna steak atop sugar snap peas and green onions with a little improvisation. This dish is one of Jamie Oliver’s five ingredient dinners, but one of his ingredients has seemed to escape my reach: miso paste. I cannot seem to find miso paste in any grocery stores nearby, so if you are in Auburn, Alabama and know where it is please let me know. Jamie Oliver covers his tuna steak in miso paste and then sesame seeds before searing it on medium heat for a minute and a half on each side; however, like I said, I do not have miso paste. So I mixed together some soy sauce, honey, rice vinegar, minced garlic, and minced ginger into a bowl and dunked my tuna steak in to cover it. I let it soak up some of the marinade for a minute or two while I prepared my pan, and then covered my steak with roasted sesame seeds. Make sure to heat up your pan for a couple of minutes to ensure it is evenly heated, then add olive oil and wait a minute to allow the oil to heat up as well. Letting your pan and oil come to temperature will ensure an even cook on the tuna steak. Take the tuna off the heat after the minute and a half on each side and throw in your greens. You do not need to add more oil if you don’t want to. This will almost char the snap peas and give them another level of flavor. I threw in a little soy sauce at the end for a little more flavor and saltiness. Plate your greens and slice your tuna. This dish really is delicious and does not have a fishy taste to it. You may also think that the fish is raw in the middle, but with fresh tuna steak you want it soft and blushing, similar to a cut of beef. The sugar snap peas give the dish a sweet crunch. All in all, this dish quick and easy, and probably something you did not think you could do. To see Jamie Oliver’s recipe that inspired this dish the link will be below. Give this a shot and let me know what you think.

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