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New York Strip with Mushrooms

There is nothing quite like steak and potatoes, except if you add sautéed mushrooms and a light vinaigrette dressed salad. The New York strip is probably my favorite cut of meat. It’s easy to cook and nail the temperature, has the perfect ratio of meat to fat, and is within a price range to pick up at the store week after week. Medium rare is the desired cook for this cut with sliced baby portobello mushroom sautéed in the same pan as the steak along with fresh thyme from the garden. The earthy mushrooms add a sophisticated texture and umami flavor when paired with this meaty steak. The hand mashed potatoes are quick and painless by simply cubing, boiling and mashing with the skin still on. The skin of the potato is the most nutritious part so spending time peeling all of the nutrients off just doesn’t make sense to me. The side salad is arguably my favorite aspect of this dish. I just am a big salad guy, especially with a tangy vinaigrette. There are hundreds of recipes out there for vinaigrette; however, the best one will be the one you create using your own favorite flavors and ingredients.

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